Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Touchwiz30 5 dock Mod

5 icon dock + 5 columns drawer +

5 icon dock + 5 columns drawer + other mods

This is a guide on on how to make some modding to TouchWiz 3.
[Important] it is recommended to have a second launcher installed as a backup before you start.
Make a full backup of your phone in case something goes wrong. you never know.

The guide is set in 3 parts:

Part I: Copying the TouchWiz apk file to your computer and decoding it.
Part II: Editing Files. Here are included different modifications. you can chose the ones you want to apply and skip the rest and go to part III.
Part III: updating your apk file and copying it to your phone.

You will need:
  • Apktool to decompile/build your apk files. (download it and install it)
  • ADB (download it and install it) I use Android Commander but adb commands make the guide simpler :P )
  • winrar or 7zip or any archive manager
  • Notepad++ or any text editor

Part I: pulling & decoding
  1. Create a folder in your computer to work inside it. for example C:\twmod
  2. Connect your phone with USB Cable.
  3. Copy the TouchWIz apk file from your phone to C:\twmod on your computer. you will find it under /system/app
    to do this i recommend using Android Commander because it's easy to use. you can also use Root Explorer or ADB. i will include the ADB commands in this guide.
    [if you're using ADB] open a command prompt and enter the following commands:
    adb pull /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk c:\twmod\TouchWiz30Launcher.apk
  4. Decode the file using apktool. In the command prompt enter the following commands:
    cd c:\twmod
    apktool d TouchWiz30Launcher.apk
    a folder will appear next to your apk file named TouchWiz30Launcher
    (leave this command prompt open)

Part II: modding
  1. 5 icon dock (or 6)
    • Go to TouchWiz30Launcher\res\layout-mdpi\ and open launcher.xml with your text editor.
      Find iconColumnCount="4" and replace 4 with 5 (or 6 if you want 6 icons)
    • Go to TouchWiz30Launcher\smali\com\sec\android\app\twlau ncher and open AppShortcutZone.smali with your text editor
      Find const/4 v8, 0x3 and replace 0x3 with 0x4 (or 0x5 if you want 6 icons)
      Find const/4 v6, 0x3 and replace 0x3 with 0x4 (or 0x5 if you want 6 icons)

  2. 5 column app drawer (5x4 or 5x5)
    • Open TouchWiz30Launcher\res\xml-mdpi\launcher_config.xml with your text editor.
      Find menuColumnCount="4" and change it to 5 (this is the number of columns)
      Find itemNumOfPage="16" and chnage it to 20 if you want 5x4 drawer, or 25 if you want 5x5. (this is the number of icons per page)
    • If you're doing 5x5, do the following. if you're doing 5x4 then skip this.
      Open TouchWiz30Launcher\res\values-mdpi\dimens.xml
      Find <dimen name="menu_item_height">92.0dip</dimen> and change it to 73.6dip (this is the height of the drawer element)
      Open \res\layout-mdpi\application_boxed.xml
      Find maxLines="2" and change it to 1 (this is the number of lines in the app name in the drawer)

  3. 5x5 icons home screen
    Note that widgets will look smaller.
    • Open TouchWiz30Launcher\res\layout-mdpi\workspace_screen.xml
      Find shortAxisCells="4" and change it to 5 (this is the number of columns in the home screen)
      Find cellWidth="80.0dip" and change it to 64.0dip (this is the width of the column, it equals 320 / number_of_columns)
      Find longAxisCells="4" and change it to 5 (this is the number lines of icons in the home screen)
      Find cellHeight="100.0dip" and change it to 80.0dip (this is the height of the line, it equals 400 / number_of_lines)
    • Open TouchWiz30Launcher\res\values-mdpi\styles.xml
      Find <item name="android:layout_marginBottom">4.0dip</item> and change it to 2.0dip

  4. Hide icon names in home screen
    • Open TouchWiz30Launcher\res\values-mdpi\styles.xml
      Find <item name="android:layout_marginBottom">4.0dip</item> (the value may be diffrent, so simply look for layout_marginBottom)
      This value depends on the cellHeight from the previous patch. it equals cellHeight - 57
      if you have a 4 line homescreen, then set it to 43
      if you're making a 5 line homescreen, then set it to 23

  5. Transparent app drawer background
    • Open TouchWiz30Launcher\res\values-mdpi\colors.xml
      Find <color name="menu_background">#ff000000</color> and change to #99000000
      Note: The first two digits define the transparency level. it can be anything between 00 and ff (in hexadecimal) with 00 being completely transparent and ff being completely opaque.
      The latter 6 digits define the color of the background in RGB code.

Part III: rebuilding & updating
  1. Go back to your command prompt and enter the folloing command: (this will rebuild the app)
    apktool b TouchWiz30Launcher
  2. Now you will update your apk file.
    • Open the original TouchWiz30Launcher.apk file with winrar (or 7zip). do not extract it.
    • Go to C:\twmod\TouchWiz30Launcher\build\apk\res and copy every file that you edited to its respective location inside the apk file.
    • if the file you edited does not exist in this folder, then copy C:\twmod\TouchWiz30Launcher\build\apk\resources.arsc to the source of the apk file
    • if you edited some smali files, also copy C:\twmod\TouchWiz30Launcher\build\apk\classes.dex (and resources.arsc just to be sure )
  3. Now you will copy the apk file to your phone under /system/app and change its permissions to rw- r-- r-- (644)
    Back to your command prompt, enter the following commands:
    adb shell mount -rw -o remount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
    adb shell mv /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk.bak
    adb push c:\twmod\TouchWiz30Launcher.apk /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk
    adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk

    NOTE: Your original TouchWiz apk will be backed up. if the modded version did not work, run the following commands to recover the original file:
    adb shell mount -rw -o remount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
    adb shell rm /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk
    adb shell mv /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk.bak /system/app/TouchWiz30Launcher.apk


    Thank's to: ali47

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